Custom Cars

76th Annual Gold Rush Days and Senior Pro Rodeo

This very special heritage event honors Wickenburg's rich history as a ranching and mining hub in Arizona. Join us February 9, 10, & 11, 2024.

Wickenburg Fly-in and Classic Car Show

Experience the excitement of the annual Wickenburg Fly-in and Classic Car Show, an annual event that combines the thrill of aviation with the timeless allure of custom, muscle cars & vintage automobiles. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Wickenburg, AZ, this event is a true celebration of both airborne and automotive craftsmanship. Live music, food & drinks – Not to miss event for Wickenburg, Arizona Frequently Asked Questions How do I register my car or airplane? There is no registration for this event. What time do I need to arrive if I am putting a car in the show? Please plan on arriving between 7 to 7:30 am. If you arrive around 9 am when the event starts, you more than likely will be parking out in the lot with all other event attendees. How much does it cost to b...[Read More]

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